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Mixed media art piece. A painted black canvas with stars and a moon drawn in chalk. The center contains an owl made of paper. The owl's body is white with colorful blue, yellow, green, and purple swipes of paint for the feathers, a yellow…

Three Ceramic items. top center is a Bell it is three inches tall by three inches wide and dark blue.
bottom right is a tile with the outline of an orange hand. The background is dark blue. The tile is four inches tall by 3 inches wide.
The bottom…

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Oil Painting on canvas board. The painting is sectioned off into four jagged squares. In the center of the canvas, where the squares meet, is the letter E. The top left square is blue with a whispy letter S. The Top Right square is a whispy letter A.…

DSC_0295 - Copy.JPG
This is a large mixed-media canvas of flowers. The canvas is painted blue at the bottom, dark green, lighter green, yellow, orange, and finally red at the top.
The flowers each have a dark army green painted stem coming up from the canvas's green,…

Abstract painting of flowers.
The background of the painting is various shades of green stripes. On top of the stripes are circles with in circles done in shades of red and pink with a yellow center to represent flowers.

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Painting of a wolf in a forest on a large piece of cloth. The background is a dark blue sky with a large red and orange sun with curved spiky rays. Tall straight brown tree trunks with round green tops dot the canvas. Green grass covers the bottom,…

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Painting of a family pet outside. The bottom of the painting is green, and the grass to the left. A pink flower with a green stem and a yellow center is on the grass. The sky is blue with a yellow sun. On the right is a brown dog with a black stripe…

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Painting of a tree:
The bottom of the painting is a curved green hill. The background is a yellow sunset sky. On the hill is a tree with rooms and multiple branches. The leaves are green, blue, purple, and orange. the painting is splattered with…

Small board canvas painting. Smudged patchwork background in Rainbow colors. Black blotted shadow border. The bottom of the painting is black grass, and a black tree to the right with a black owl. In the center of the canvas, in the grass, is a small…

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Acrylic painting on a canvas board. The background is a black galaxy with white splatter and small stars. The Center is a large ring of blue with a large moon in shades of white, grey, and silver; the moon is dripping silver at the bottom.
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